It all started in 9th grade when my brother, Joseph, told me about CLC and what it was and I was interested. He said “In CLC you learn a lot about God and read about the Bible, and they go over it and help you understand it more.” So in 10th Grade I signed up for a CLC class, but the thing was that I wasn’t living my life with Jesus. I wasn’t reading the Bible at all, I was finding other things to make me happy besides Jesus, like girls, music, and other worldly things, but something was missing and I didn’t know what.
I met someone in that first day of class, his name was Kyle Mize, and he was a nice, funny, and very helpful. He made me see things that I wouldn’t have known of, if I didn’t go to CLC. The second person I met there is Mr. Caleb Land, Kyle knew him, but I didn’t. Kyle introduced me to him; he’s an amazing, kind, and helpful guy. I knew God is working in my heart, because at church each Sunday I went I started to feel something, when the Pastor asked for people to come up and receive Jesus as your Lord and savior, I felt like I should go up there and receive him, but I didn’t because I was scared. I looked around at people I was scared of, I felt like I would be judged, so I didn’t go.
Every time I went to CLC I felt better and I knew God was working in me. On March 20, 2012, I was in CLC and I was having problems in my life. Kyle told me we should ask Caleb for some help, so we did. I told him what was going on and he said “The only way to find happiness in your life and in your heart, and instead of other things, is to get saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.” Then I told him how I felt like going up and being saved at the church and he said “You don’t have to be saved at a church you can be saved here right now, this second, but it’s up to you.” I thought for a few moments and I said “Ok, I want to be saved”, and I was saved that day, and my life changed for the better. I found my happiness, I started to read my Bible, and I started doing things with the church, and CLC is something I would never forget. It changed my life for the better.