Run for the Son 2016- A Huge Success!
We want to thank everyone who came out to our 5K Saturday, May 7th. It was such a fun day and such a blessing for our ministry. We are so grateful to our sponsors. These businesses, organizations, and individuals enable the CLC to continue to minister to the teens of Gilmer County. It is because of your generous support that we are able to have our 6th grade program, teach more students in our high school classes than ever before, and begin long-range planning towards classes at CCMS. Please thank our sponsors when you visit their businesses. They make a huge difference in our ministry. Thank you to all who participated int the event! We had roughly 345 runners, walkers, and phantom runners, making this our biggest race ever!
We had a huge response with our team challenge this year. We want to congratulate Team Pink Fitness who came in 1st place winning the Cup of Legends with 42 team members. Thank you for helping make our race such a huge success! We also want to thank Pleasant Grove Baptist Church who came in 2nd place winning the Cup of Champions with 39 team members!
Thank You Gracious Sponsors!
Platinum Level:
Appalachian Photography
Doug and Jan Hall
Frady Farms
In Honor of Frank and Jean Vaughan
J&M Contractors LLC
James and Marth Holloway
KAM Contracting SE, LLC
Ken and Carol Lively
Laura Huster
Gold Level:
Candra Warren, State Farm Insurance
Cindy West/ RE/MAX Town & Country
East Ellijay Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Kaleb Frady
Silver Level:
AdvoCare Independent Distributors: Karleen & Robert Ferguson
Bernhardt Funeral Home
Community Bank of Pickens County
Holly Faith Apartments Inc.
Huff’s Drug Store
Hwy 515 Auto Auctions Inc.
Joyful Journeys LLC, Lisa Lacey
Logan Funeral Home & Chapel
Mr.P’s Take Out Food Inc.
R & A Orchards
Ronnie Thompson Ford
Southside Express Lube
Sparks Lumber Co.
Star Energy LLC.
Superior Building Products
Terry Lee Wilson, LLC
Thomas Oil Company
Times Courier
United Community Bank
Bronze Level:
Aaron’s Inc. Ace Hardware
Automotive Services of Ellijay (NAPA) Cartecay Thrift Store
Cartecay United Methodist Church Charles Edmondson Ins. Agency, Inc.
Coldwell Banker Reality Community & Southern Bank of Ellijay
Danny Hall’s Tree Service & Hardscapes, Inc.
David Spivey’s Body Shop
Davis Family Chiropractor & Jake the Dog Ellijay Deli & Bakery
Ellijay Tire/Williams Tire 515 Lumber & Millwork
Food Lion Gilmer Co. Farm Bureau
Hair Dimensions Jerry’s Body Shop
Jim and Jody Henry
Kayann Hayden West, Attorney at Law Larry’s Body Shop
Lendmark Financial Services Mike’s Ellijay Restaurant
North GA Computer Brokers, LLC Payne Insurance
Sanford’s Garage Sheriff Stacy Nicholson
Stacy Morgan Steven and Mary Jo Cockburn
Twin City Motors United Karate Studios
West Point Farms
All Other Sponsors:
Bear’s Garage Bob Worley Insurance
Cantaberry Restaurant Clark & Clark Attorneys at Law, P.C.
City Barber Shop Dance ETC. Double L. Log Cabin Ellijay’s Hometown Florist
Ingles Jim Logan Life & Health Agency, Inc Mark Queen Salon
Medical Billing Partners Our Daily Bread Piggly Wiggly
Country Financial/ Robert Westmoreland Sears Walmart
5K-Run for the Son-
Saturday, May 7, 2016!!
First United Methodist Church
(Downtown Ellijay Running Course)
To Register Click Here
We will begin and end our 5K at the First United Methodist Church again this year. The course is flat and runs through scenic Downtown Ellijay, GA! Run for the Son 2016 Traffic Plan (1) ( to see the race course!)
USATF Certified Course!
Packet Pick up: 7:00am Fun Run: 8:00am Tot-Trot: 8:15am 5K: 8:30
Entry Fee:
$25 before 4/29
$30 after 4/29 and Race day
Groups of 10+: $22 before 4/29
Families of 4: $80 before 4/29
Phantom Runners: $25 before before 4/29 Receives a shirt but does not run.
Run as a team! The team with the most participants this year will receive a prize! Stay tuned for more details!
To Register Online Click Here
or print the CLC 5k Registration Form 2016 and mail it to P.O. Box 471 Ellijay, GA 30540 by 4/29.
T-shirt to all pre-registered runners Awards to Overall Men and Women
Awards to Master Overall 5 year age groups 10 and under thru 65+
Great finish line food and fellowship Door prizes after the Race!
To Sponsor the Race or donate a door price please contact Jennifer Colson at or call Emily at 706.635.7100. For Sponsor information click:
Race Sponsor levels and Sponsor Form
Thank you for considering sponsoring our 10th annual Run for the Son-5K and Fun Run. All proceeds go to offer free Bible classes to public school students as well as counseling and mentor programs at no charge to students and families.
Our 5K is an opportunity to raise awareness about CLC and to raise funds so that we can continue helping students and families and expand our programming.
We have served over 5,500 students in the past 31 years! God has blessed us and we want to continue to glorify His name for the next 30 years!