The CLC is a 501 (c)3 Non-Profit organization. Most contributions to this event are tax-deductible as marketing & advertising (consult with your tax advisor). For sponsorship questions, email or call 706.635.7100. Please make checks payable to Gilmer Christian Learning Center with the memo stating 5K sponsor. P.O. Box 471| Ellijay, GA 30540.
**Refer to the document above for information about sponsor levels, amounts, and sponsor perks.**
*Flyer/Swag in race packet: We would love to include your business card, flyer, coupons, pens, lanyards, etc in our race day bags that are given to each participant. We give out approximately 350 bags. Please have your items to CLC by April 28th. If you have any questions, please email
*Sponsor Race Entries: For your sponsor race entry, please email
*Vendor Booth: If you or your business would like to set up a booth at the 5K, please contact for details.
Sponsorships must be received by April 21, 2023 to be included on the T-shirt.
Thank you for helping to make this event a reality. Your generous support will help ensure that the students of Gilmer County have an opportunity to learn about God through the pages of Scripture. God Bless You!
Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.-Psalm 34:3