21-22 Club Permission Form

Dear Parent or Guardian, 

This year the Gilmer Christian Learning Center (CLC) is sponsoring a Christian Apologetic and Ping Pong Club (C.A.P.P.)  for high school students during normal club schedule. This club is different in several ways from other clubs at Gilmer High School. The following are the three most significant differences:

  • The club is not held at GHS, but at the Christian Learning Center down the hill from the High School. We provide transportation to and from the CLC in our own bus with certified drivers. 
  • Each club period we will discuss different topics.  The subject matter presented in the club is from a Biblical perspective. The club deals with issues your student may be facing from a Biblical perspective. Topics might include making wise choices, how to deal with friendship, respecting authority, media, etc. Each topic will be approached from a Christian perspective with the Bible as the standard. 
  • Participation in the CLC sponsored Christian Apologetic and Ping Pong club is voluntary and does not affect anything in a CLC class.

On club days, students will meet the CLC bus at the bus port.  The CLC bus will leave once the bell rings for clubs to begin.  Students are not allowed to drive to CLC, walk to CLC, or catch another bus to CLC.  The CLC bus will bring the students back to GHS in time for 2nd period to begin.

If you have any questions about the club, please email our teacher Buddy Smith: buddy@gilmerclc.org

Jennifer Colson

Executive Director


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