As we look forward to our 34th year of ministering to students in Gilmer County, we want to pause to acknowledge that none of what we do here would be possible without the prayers and support of our community. The ministry we do here is so unique. When people hear what we do at CLC, they often say, “How is that even possible?”
While, yes, there are court cases or a list of guidelines we could site, there is one even greater reason why our ministry is possible:
Our community wants CLC.
And in a day and age where so many turn from God, our community wants young people to turn to Him. Thank you for continuing to support our ministry. Thank you for joining with other believers from different churches all over our community and standing together with one goal: Reaching young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
It is not lost on us how blessed we are to continue doing what we do at the Christian Learning Center. Decades ago, wonderful believers from different parts of Gilmer County were given a vision for a place where students could hear the Gospel, receive Jesus into their hearts and grow in their faith. Since 1985, we have been able to carry out that vision all the while knowing that, without the support of so many people and groups in our community, this ministry would cease to be. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. Without you, CLC wouldn’t be possible.