There will always be those who find themselves in dire economic straits and wind up with the inability to provide for even their basic needs. Homelessness is a growing concern in our nation, and yes, even in Gilmer County. In Scripture we see that God speaks often of the poor and needy. He commands us to give generously and show love and compassion. Jesus also tells us that helping others in need is equivalent to helping Him, andPaul said it best in Romans 12:13 when he wrote, “share with the Lord’s people who are in need, practice hospitality.” The best way to tell someone about Christ, is to love them and sometimes showing them love is through meeting their needs. Last year in the advanced class, we got the privilege to minister to the residents of Parkside nursing home. In December, the students put together over 100 blessing bags to take to the residents. For this year’s ministry project, we are looking to help the homeless in our community. Starting November 1st thru December 2nd, we will be collecting items at the main CLC campus to make care packages. These packages are a simple way to provide practical help to a homeless man or woman. With the help of our faithful supporters, we should be able to fill enough bags with hygiene products, socks, gloves and small snack items to help fill 50 bags this holiday season. Thank you for all your support and thank you for helping our advanced classes minister to those in need.
Needed Items
- Plastic refillable water bottles
- Peanut butter/Cheese crackers
- Socks
- Snack items
- Gloves
- Wet wipes
- Combs/Brushes
- Hand warmers
- Hand sanitizer
- Packs of Kleenex
- Tooth Brush/Tooth paste
- Chapstick
- Granola Bars