I considered it an honor/blessing when Jennifer came to me and asked me to be a part of CLC. CLC is a blessing. I wish we would have had a program like this when I was growing up. I feel like its definitely planting a seed for those who do not know The Lord and have never been told about Him. And do not go to church. That would have been me in High school. I never had one person mention God to me or about a personal relationship with Him. I was not brought up in a church. So I can definitely relate to those who are growing up not hearing. So having CLC gives many an opportunity to hear, and to hear is a seed planted. I love to pray for these students and the ministry here. And thank God for this seed planted into each childs heart. I admire Jennifer and Caleb for their obedience to Our Father and the Genuine love they have for Him and people. (Hebrews 13:7 Remember those who led you, who spoke the Word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. They are a true reflection and light of The Lord in their everyday life for all.
My husband Doug and I have 3 children who were a part of CLC going through school and I can honestly say they learned so much about the Bible. They would come home teaching and sharing with me. I would like to share what they shared with me about CLC.
My daughter Ashley Cook took CLC her Freshman and senior year. She learned a lot about The Bible and said she really enjoyed her teachers Jennifer and the Crouches, and ALWAYS looked forward to her class. She felt very comfortable and felt she could confide in her teachers. Ashley said it was nice to just have a godly getaway from the high school drama and stuff you run into as a high school student. The teachers always had something to teach her that she kept close in her heart and made her feel loved and at home. She said the snacks were so fun. CLC felt like a home away from home at school.
My son Jordan Cook took CLC when he was a Junior and a senior. He said it was a great way for peers who are all different and in different cliques to come together as friends and form personal relationships centered around Christ together. He said he learned a lot about The Bible and godly instruction. And realized the need even more to reach out. He said it was the one place there is no cliques, its like a big family. AND HE LOVED his teachers!
My son Callaway Cook took it his Freshman yr. and sophomore year. He said he really enjoyed Jennifer and Caleb’s teachings. He liked learning bible verses and the bible and PING PONG lol. He really looked forward in seeing THE POP TART LADY (Pam). He said she made his day. He said CLC was the one class he really looked forward to and it felt like home away from home as well.
I support and Love CLC because its another opportunity for people that may not have God in their life to learn about Him and those who do know The Lord to grow more in their relationship with Him and help and communicate with those who do not know. I truly consider CLC a Blessing in so many ways. And will keep this ministry and staff and students in my precious prayers to Our Father!