23-24 Online Scholarship Form

The Gilmer Christian Learning Center (CLC) scholarship is open to any senior who has taken a class at the CLC during their time in middle school or high school.

The Gilmer Christian Learning Center is offering two 2024 scholarships. This is a one-time scholarship of $500 and a one-time scholarship of $250 provided to deserving student(s) to help with college/vocational or technical school. The winning student(s) should be college/vocational or technical bound Senior in High School who has shown commitment, hard work, and character.

There are two scholarships and many applicants. The winner(s) will be chosen by a group of board members, no partiality will be shown by the teachers at the CLC. The students(s) must show that they are enrolled in school before they will receive the funds.

Please send you acceptance letter to college/technical/ or vocational school to jennifer@gilmerclc.org or kristin@gilmerclc.org

**Application and Essays are due by April 22, 2024**

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