For 30 years the CLC has ministered to high school students exclusively. We have ministered to over 5,700 students and know that God has changed our county through CLC. In 2015 we were able to offer classes for the GMS sixth graders for the very first time. By the end of this school year we will have served over 200 sixth grade students.
It has been our desire for many years to also reach the students at CCMS. We watch the students that are skeptical, hard hearted, and hurting slowly and gradually open up and become more receptive to the Gospel each day. We cannot wait to see that happen in Middle School hearts!
Groundbreaking for this opportunity to lead 7th and 8th grade students of CCMS will be on Marh 19th at 3:00 on our property behind Clear Creek Middle School. We ask that attendees pull in to Clear Creek Rd. and park at the cannery. Overflow parking will be across the street on the bus route behind the school. We are excited to see you all there and celebrate with us as the Lord continues making a way for us to reach Clear Creek Middle School!