Dear Parent or Guardian,
Thank you for allowing your student to participate in a class at the Gilmer Christian Learning Center (CLC). Each year, many of our CLC students volunteer to help with our banquet and serve in several different areas. Older students serve dinner, some students help host and seat guests, and many participate in the program. It is a fun night of fellowship among the students. Our high school teachers, Kristin Taffin, Buddy Smith, and Keslan Martin, and other CLC staff members, will be leading our student volunteers so at no time will they be left unsupervised. We will also provide pizza for dinner. The CLC banquet will be Thursday, November 2nd at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm.
Please see the Parent Information page (below this form) to learn more about what your child will be doing the night of the banquet.
We would also like to invite you to join us for our fundraiser. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by Friday, October 20th, 2023 to or call 706.635.7100
Please complete if your student would like to volunteer for the CLC 9th Annual Banquet Thursday, November 2nd : First Baptist Fellowship Hall. Students need to be dropped off at the ‘welcome center’ (glass doors next to the sanctuary): 4:15pm and need to be picked up at 8:30pm in the same location.