This semester we have seen God move in many ways through CLC. We have been able to teach and share the love of Jesus with 103 High School Students and 45 sixth grade students. Each of these students have heard the good news of Jesus Christ. We have had at least one student come into a relationship with Jesus and many more students who were lost experience Jesus daily. We pray that the seeds that were planted will continue to be watered. All of our seniors received a Bible. None of this would have happened without you. Thank you for your prayers, for your volunteers, and for your faithful supporters. Students without hope find the hope of Christ at CLC. Thank you.
6th Grade News:
It has been an exciting semester with our 6th grade classes! This semester we have had 45 sixth grade students come through the CLC. They have been such wonderful kids to work with and have made my job a lot of fun. These kids are eager to learn about Christ and His word. I have seen this through their participation in class discussions and their thought provoking questions on different topics we cover. I only have each of my classes for 9 weeks at a time and just over that short period, I can see a change in many of the students. I have loved seeing them realize that God has a plan for their lives and that He has made them with unique gifts to use for Him. When we do prayer requests each day, I am amazed at the hearts these kids have for their friends, families, and world to know Christ. It is truly a blessing to get to know these kids and to be a part of the CLC, thank you to those of you who support us with your prayers and finances! You are making a difference!
-Kerri Ann, 6th grade teacher
High School News:
It has been another exciting semester here at the CLC! As we approach Christmas time, the Class will begin looking at the story of Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension. This is my favorite point in the curriculum and the most impactful for the students, because they finally see all messianic prophecies of the Old Testament come together as Jesus fulfills the ultimate purpose of His first advent. Ad you participate in all the enthusiasm of Christmas, please pray that these students will be convicted by the Word of God and receive the greatest gift ever given: everlasting life. Pray that all distractions are removed and all obstacles are broken down in the lives of these precious teens, so that they will receive the Father’s present to all mankind: His only begotten Son. Thank you for all of your support and may God bless you with a very merry Christmas!
-Buddy, high school teacher