It’s summer time! We hope you are enjoying your summer as much as we are! Although we do not have students at CLC the months of June and July we are busy preparing for them. We have been doing maintenance on the building, and getting it ready for our students that will be here the first week in August! We have been fixing lights, touching up pain, and cleaning up from the amazing year!
While we have been preparing physically for our coming students, we have also been preparing spiritually. We know that the students who will walk through our doors in August will be facing many difficulties. Many will not know Jesus. We will also meet our very first 6th grade CLC class. So, we pray, we study and we ask Jesus to help us love the students as His hands and feet. God has changed many lives through this ministry in the past 30 years. Many students have met Jesus and many have grown in their faith. As we prepare will you pray for us, and for the students who will be taking CLC beginning in August? We will have well over 100 students in our building every day. We will need more Bibles, new curriculum, and all that goes along with new classes! This is an exciting time for us and we know the Lord will provide.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for praying for us throughout the year and for supporting us financially. Without you these students would not have CLC, and many would never hear about Jesus. We had two students come to know Christ in the Spring, and several students heard about Jesus that did not know Him. Many students who did not have a Bible received one thanks to our Local Gideons. I have also had several students tell me they are now attending church because of their time in CLC. Thank you for your support of CLC. You are making a difference! We are so grateful!