2021 Run For the Son Virtual 5K
Thank you to all who participated in this years virtual 5K. Whether you ran, walked, registered as a phantom runner, participated as part of a team, or sponsored, we are extremely grateful for your support! This year, The Run For the Son had over 346 registrants, and with a combined total of 222 team members, we had two teams break the record for the largest team in CLC’s history. Because of your faithful support, we can continue to minister to hundreds of middle and high school students each year. Thank you for believing in the CLC’s mission and helping us reach the students of Gilmer County with the love of Christ.

- Brett Jones, Attorney at Law, PC
- Fred and Melanie Beasley
- Perdido Sailor

- Candra Warren, State Farm Insurance
- Clear Creek Mini-Storage, LP
- Psalm 78:2-4
- Tina Mabry, Coldwell Banker

- Chick-fil- A Ellijay
- Doug and Jan Hall
- Highway 515 Auto Auction
- Holly Faith Apartments, Inc

- ACE Hardware
- Belle's Boutique
- Community Bank of Pickens County
- Covenant Community Ellijay
- East Ellijay Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
- ETC Communications
- Huff's Drug Store
- Kaleb & Meagan Frady
- KIM Fitness
- Logan Funeral Home & Chapel
- Papa's Pizza To-Go
- Pepsi
- Sanford's Garage
- South State Bank
- The Taffin Family
- thisishowweshibboleth.com- Virtual Wellness Coach
- Thomas Oil/Appalachian Propane
- United Community Bank
- Zion Hill Baptist Church

- Abby's Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt
- Affinity Med Screens
- Appalachian Supply Company
- Bernhardt Funeral Home
- Brenda Evans
- Bryant Physical Therapy
- David Spivey's Body Shop
- Elliot & Deborah Schuessler
- Gilmer County Farm Bureau
- Jared Arrant- Edward Jones
- K2Ministry.com
- North Georgia Computer
- Reel 'Em In Guide Service
- Star Energy LLC
- Twin City Motors, Inc

- Hometown Florist & Yesterday's Decor
- Paul & Diane Nealey

- Billy & Stephanie Rowe
- Jean Vaughan
- Laura Huster
- Loran & Donna Mcvey
- Mike & Kathy Newton
- Mitchell & Paulette Morgan

Austin Long Time:19:05

Zeta King Time: 17:48

Russell Gheesling Time: 21:29

Kayann West Time: 31:30
Team Winners

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
115 Team Members

Covenant Community of Ellijay
107 Team Members/ 28 Race Participants

Mountaintown Baptist Church
52 Team Members